So You Wanna Dab? (And I'm NOT Talking Dance Moves)

Dabs, kief, shatter, budder, extracts………….

The world of extracts and concentrates can be very intimidating to new users. Well rest assured, I have go a simple how to guide.

Cannabis oil and shatter(wax) are the most common concentrates. These concentrates are vaporized with a very hot nail/or banger, and inhaled via your dab rig.

Basic Dab Setup:


Check out Lift&Co full dabbing 101 article here:

Dabs for Beginners:

Lakey Inspired- Thank you so much for the continued support and growth of my channel. You all are AMAZING. Periscope- Snapchat-Positive.Smash Instagram- Twitter- **ALL VIDEOS ARE INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES** ALL PRODUCTS ARE FULLY LEGAL IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, ALASKA, OREGON AND COLORADO. MEDICAL WHERE APPLIES.

Life Cycle of a Cannabis Plant

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