Trailblazer: Nathan Mison - Cannabis Industry Interview

Trailblazer: Nathan Mison - Cannabis Industry Interview

Check out my interview with Trailblazer Nathan Mison and the great work that he is doing to push the cannabis industry forward and to fight for common sense regulations.

Fighting the good fight, Mison explains, “Using the lessons we learned from retail, we are now going to apply them to tourism and hospitality. People want to ingest cannabis, in-style, by consuming food and drink. Using our existing framework for alcohol, we are pushing for cannabis consumption at live events, concerts and the real places cannabis intersects with our lives.”

Canada is the first mover and has the opportunity to be a global leader and innovator in the cannabis space, not to mention the leading exporter of talent, knowledge and Canadian charm.

Like the birth of the internet, we are still in the early innings with unbridled and boundless opportunities. Let's talk cannabis and let's make a difference.


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