BLLRDR Afghani Bullrider Cannabis Strain Review

BLLRDR Afghani Bullrider Cannabis Strain Review

I am back to finally test the much hyped and lauded Afghani Bullrider from BLLRDR.

Afghani Bullrider is a much heralded strain, originally gaining popularity on the West Coast and well known on the Canadian legacy market. It has been described as recreating a bull-riding experience, with the tell tale signs of giggles, dizziness, a body high that takes you on a RIDE! As I wrote in my previous BLLRDR post, Robes Inc is the brand house that has enlisted MJardin Group to grow this product on their behalf.

BLLRDR is positioned as a premium brand, and as such is priced accordingly. It can be found in Ontario on the OCS, currently listed at $59.96 for 3.5g ($17.13.g).

I ordered my product via the Medical Channel and distributed via Emblem Cannabis Corp.

I always hold on for dear life and loved riding the mechanical bull at the country bar. Will today be any different? I put on my cowboy hat, bootcut jeans and chaps, and excitedly stepped up to the challenge.

Buckle Up and LETS GO!

Buckle Up and LETS GO!

Tale of the Tape:

BLLRDR Afghani Bullrider

16.7% THC

Pack Size: 3.5g (1/8 of an oz)

Packaged On: January 19, 2021 by Emblem Cannabis (Received on March 14, 2021).

Bag Appeal

I was excited to finally try the Afghani Bullrider strain on the Canadian legal market. I have always been a fan of deep indicas and strains that give a heavy body buzz.

The glass container is solid and looks pretty clean with the label and all black packaging. As a premium product, it would be nice if they included a humidity pack to ensure the product is delivered to market in its freshest state.

My jar contained three large nugs that looked impressive, underpinned by a vivid green and long orange hairs. This strain has a nice dense bud structure and the cannabis had noticeable trichome formations. The nugs were lacking moisture and when I gave a nug the squeeze test, it results in the nug breaking and crumbling. Again, a humidity pack would have been nice to have been included. The strain had a nice florally scent, with a side of citrus. I just wish it had a stronger aroma. The scent was not overly powerful and slightly muted, as I was hoping the jar would slap me in the face.

The High Test

Follow these steps exactly:

  1. Roll up a joint to your desired specifications. in this case, I rolled a 0.5g joint rolled with OCB slim papers and a Raw Original Tip.

  2. Begin consuming and listen to the song below.

  3. How does it make you feel? Were you vibing and sinking into the couch?

Final Thoughts

I was feeling the vibe and really enjoyed the high and effects of the Afghani

Bullrider strain. It lived up to the hype and delivered a nice deep, but mellow high, that gave my body an amazing buzz and tingle in my lower back. While not overly powerful, the high was a nice consistent note for the duration of the high. I definitely appreciate this strain and enjoy working it into my rotation. It was a solid smoke.

Final Thoughts:

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